B2B Demand Gen, Commercial Ops & CRM Excellence

I help B2B companies to optimize, align and scale their commercial forces for boosted revenue

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The B2B buyer journey is broken.

Ineffective outreach, poor lead quality, fragmented sales and marketing teams, shifts in seller-buyer relationships due to AI, and poor customer experiences.

These issues lead to inefficient resource use, low conversion rates, and data silos. Misalignment hinders accurate targeting and personalization, reducing revenue growth and creating internal friction.

If these problems resonate with you, isn't it time to rethink your B2B strategy for better results?

Common B2B challenges

Poor CRM Set-Up and Adoption
Misaligned and Siloed Commercial Teams
Misaligned and Siloed Commercial Teams
Lost Revenue Opportunities and Churned Customers
Lost revenue Opportunities and churned Customers
Reactive and Ineffective Growth Campaigns
Reactive and ineffective Growth campaigns

Fix the mess between marketing and sales.

The solution lies in aligning your commercial forces. By focusing on key components such as processes, tech stack, people, KPIs, and overall growth strategy, COM Works creates a seamless buyer journey that leads to pipeline growth.

Our approach ensures that every aspect of your commercial activity works in harmony, promoting scalable and sustainable growth.

Services that connect and strengthen your B2B operations

COM Works commercial services SEE more

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